Friday, November 2, 2018

The People of Qur'aan - Shaykh Fawzaan

The People of Qur'aan - Shaykh Fawzaan

📌أهل القرآن (شيخ صالح الفوزان) السؤال:  نحن طالباتٌ نحفظُ ونكررُ الْقُرآن منذُ عشر سنوات تقريبًا لكن أنا وبعض البنات معي لم نَحْفَظُهُ أبدًا عن ظَهْرِ قَلب هل نُعْتَبر خَاتِمَات لِلقرآن ومِنْ أهل القرآن وخاصته ؟

We are students who have been memorizing and repeating the Qur'aan for nearly 10 years. However, I and some of the students with me have not memorized the Qur'aan by heart. Can we be considered from those who have completed the Qur'aan and of those who are from the special people of Qur'aan (Ahlul Qur'aan wa khaasatuh).

الجواب:ـ أهل القرآن هم الذين يَعْملُون بِالقُرآن يَعْملوُن بهِ، ما هُم باللي يَحْفَظُون فقط الذين يَحْفَظُونهُ ويَعْمَلون  بهِ أو يعملون بهِ ولو لم يَحْفَظُوه فهُم مِنْ أهل القُرآن كل من عَمِلَ بالقرآن فهو مِنْ أَهْلِ القُرآن سَواء حَفظَهُ أو لم يَحْفَظهُ أما من حَفِظَهُ وهو لم يعمل به فهذا ليس مِنْ أهل القُرآن .

The People of the Qur'aan are those who actually act upon the Qur'aan and not just memorize it. Those who memorize it and act upon it or act upon it even though they've not memorized it, they are the People of Qur'aan. Everyone who acts upon the Qur'aan is from the People of the Qur'aan whether he has memorized it or not. As for someone who has memorized it without acting upon it, then he is not from the People of the Qur'aan.

Translated by Umm 'Abdir Rahmaan Tara Hashim

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